Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hanna is an excellent film!  It is about a young teen approaching the end of her childhood and ready to experience the world for herself.  Her dad raised her up in an obscure part of what seemed to be Antarctica.  Where she became a bright young adult knowing more than 5 languages fluently and memorized every single book her dad owned.  She also became familiar with how to kill and gut deer and to acutely be aware of her surroundings so as to defend herself in case an enemy tried to kill her during the night.  However, her dad kept a huge secret from her and on her search to find the real world, she found answers to questions she didn't even know she was asking.  This film is packed with adventure, energy, cringing details of killing a person and/or animal and questionable CIA government agents.  This film had me on the edge of my seat for a good portion of the movie.  Not to mention that The Chemical Brothers did an amazing job with the score which aided in capturing the proper emotion for each scene.  I was mostly asking myself, "I wonder what will happen next?"  There were a few points in the plot that I was hoping they would expand on, because it felt like the writers threw certain information out for a few scenes and then dropped it.  So, I still had a few questions on the depth of the plot.  And, the other thing that I can't seem to wrap my brain around was trying to figure out what accent Cate Blanchett was supposed to be using, it seemed to come in and out.  I highly recommend this film for people who are interested in mystery, adventure, CIA agents, and can handle seeing a certain amount of on-scene blood and death. Overall, 4 out of 5 stars.